The Advanced Accounting section includes various features which provide even more control and automation.
Import Rent Receipts
This option enables rent receipts to be entered automatically from files downloaded from bank software. The text file is imported and each entry can be matched to a tenancy. Once an entry has been matched PMX will remember the bank reference and on future occasions it will be matched automatically.
Tenant Invoices
Invoices / Rent Demands for tenants can be produced for each rent period as it falls due. The system will include only tenants requiring an invoice as indicated on the tenancy details screen. Invoices may be addressed to the property, to the tenant, a company or to a different address.
Landlord Payments
This option deals with payments to the Landlord and should be used after the printing of the Landlord Statements.
It will produce a list of payments to be made including bank details and references to be used. It will print cheques and allows transfer of payment instructions directly into bank software.
Contractor Ledgers
This option allows entry of Contractor Invoices before they are paid. Settlement of selected invoices for any contractor may then be made by one payment at any suitable time. It is equivalent to a “purchase ledger”.
Contractor statements serve as a remittance advice. They show which invoices are being paid with the property reference and contractor invoice number or reference.
It will produce a list of payments to be made including bank details and references to be used. It will print cheques and allows transfer of payment instructions directly into bank software.
Multiple Client Accounts
This option is used when you are running the properties through more than one client “current” account. It enables you to set up multiple accounts and then each property will be assigned to an account. Properties may share accounts or a property may have an individual account.
Holding Accounts
This option enables you to set up designated bank accounts for the landlord’s tax retentions and for the tenant’s deposits. Accounts may be shared or individually assigned.
Clients with Multiple Properties
When a client has more than one property you may set up groups for that client and assign selected properties to each group. This feature enables you to consolidate a number of properties into one regular statement.
Trial Balance
The trial balance reconciles your liabilities to your assets. It shows the total property balances, the contractor balances and fee balances and compares them to the balances in all the client bank accounts. It may be produced to any date.
Bank Reconciliation
On-screen client account reconciliation routines are provided. All cashbook receipts and payments which have cleared the bank may be marked as cleared. The bank reconciliation report lists all un-cleared items and calculates the actual bank balance from the cash book balance.