Standard Accounts

The PMX accounting module enables you to keep track of all transactions through your Client Account.  The Standard Accounts module contains the basic features required for collecting rents and deposits, paying for repairs, producing landlord statements and monitoring fee income.

Cash Book Entry

Making entries in the Day Book is similar to entering transactions in a manual Day Book or Cash Book.   After entries are made they are transferred automatically to the properties and Cash Book and all relevant balances are updated.

The following details may be entered for each transaction:

  • Date on which the transaction took place
  • Type of transaction (see below)
  • Property to which the transaction relates (where relevant)
  • Text describing the items which may be printed on the property ledger or landlord statement
  • Cheque number / Reference
  • Amount of transaction
  • VAT on transaction (where relevant)

Account Codes

Types of account entries include:

ReceiptsRents, deposits, fees from tenants & others, other credits, tax rebates, transfers from other bank accounts
Payments Remits to landlords, deposits returned, contractor
 payments, transfer of fees  and other transfers
Journal Entries   Rent from deposit, credits/charges to tenants,
extra fees to be charged to a landlord, adjust
 deposits, reserve or tax accounts

Standard Accounting Output

Landlord StatementsLandlord statements account to the landlord all credits and debits against the property for the current period. They also calculate any fees due to the agent and any money to be held for tax retention or as a float.
List FeesAll items included on the landlord statements which are due to the agent, plus any fees received, tenant fees or others
LedgersProperty ledgers include all transactions for a property from any selected date
BalancesList of all balances held for each property. This report is useful for reconciling the accounts at the end of each month.
Tax ListsQuarterly and annual returns for non-resident landlords.
Rent StatementsDetailed report of rent due and received from individual 

View Cash Book Entries

This option allows you to view or print day book reports.

The report can be printed for all or selected properties. You may enter the Account Codes which you wish the report to include and the date range to be covered by the report.

Cash Book Reports

The cash book reports list all movements of money through the Client Account. There are two reports, the List of Receipts and the List of Payments. They can be used in parallel with bank statements for comparison of period end figures.